Our Methods

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither are organizations that are energized, poised, and adaptable enough to navigate the storms on the horizon that we can’t yet see. The way we help organizations scale and navigate complexity must, by necessity, embody the capacity to adapt. Our methods include experiential learning, Harvard-generated tools and frameworks, individual, team, and organizational assessments, and more.

We thought-partner with our clients

Walking-the-talk means our approach can’t be purely programmatic, but has to include invitation, reciprocity, and collaboration. And yes, sometimes a gentle ruler-slap. This is our approach from soup to nuts whether we are assessing, training, consulting, or advising.

We acknowledge the way things are

We are accustomed to holding up the mirror for our clients. Do you like what you see? Our honesty doesn’t always make us fast friends, but it does create immeasurable value for our clients. Honesty and transparency are fundamental to our methods; efficacy is head above all.

We get our hands dirty

This may look a little messy from the outside, but cracking a few eggs is still the only way to make a fresh omelet. So powerful are the mechanisms and pedagogies we’ve pioneered to fuel change that someone else gave a name for what we pioneered, “case-in-point.” In contrast to the Socratic Method, it’s an approach we leverage with teams which leads to changing head and heart while harnessing the participants’ own experiences and perspectives for meaningful, generative insights.

We use the best frameworks, tools, and approaches

In short, we will use whatever works. And our Harvard-generated tools and frameworks are a powerful place to start. If your truck needs new wheels, we will also bring the tires, lug-nuts, brakes, and shocks just in case.

We work with the best people

The world desperately needs adaptive leadership. The folks with whom we work are committed to leadership – and pushing past the status quo to next-stage growth.

We deploy with the utmost professionalism

It sounds simple, but it’s profound: we have high standards. Really, it’s about integrity – like a samurai sword crafted with Damascus Steel – our work is sharp, retains its edge, can flex to new pressures, and accomplishes the tasks for which it was intended only to the extent it has integrity.