Adam Detwiler
Vice President, Asia Pacific Client Engagement
Adam serves as an executive coach, facilitator, and strategic advisor to clients around the globe on the topics of leadership, culture, and organizational effectiveness. His career has taken him across regions supporting clients, sectors, and geographies ranging from mining in Southeast Asia, to heavy vehicle production in North America, to the finance sector in Australia and many places in between. Today, Adam’s work emphasizes experiential learning focused on understanding organizational systems, the pressures they create on us as individuals, and the responsibility we have to create alternative paths through our own practice of leadership. Adam holds a master’s degree in engineering management from Duke University, a B.S. In Engineering from Boston University, and multiple professional development certificates in applied psychology, applied neuroscience, and organizational development. Before moving into consulting and coaching, he held a variety of operational and managerial roles in technical operations and manufacturing environments. He resides in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and two children. He is an avid lover and explorer of the outdoors which he experiences through adventures in camping, hiking, and long-distance running.